Ispaa Management courses are designed to give participants the deeper knowledge to build the business from the grassroots level. It includes project planning and execution, investment and finance, recruitment and training, day today managerial tasks etc. Another area of focus is how to increase revenue by connecting key areas; Sales & Marketing and Finance. Students will come away being able to manage their department and resources better through an enhanced understanding of current Sales and Marketing techniques that are specifically suited to the Spa environment and also through an appreciation of finance and budgeting. These skills will enable the participants to engage more fully in the business and bring additional revenue to the bottom line.This course is vital for businesses looking to gain an edge in the increasingly competitive wellness Industry. Course Highlights: Unique spa concept to makes your Spa different. The connection between Finance and Sales & Marketing in order to create plans that get results. Read, analyze and understand a P&L statement for effective budgeting and accurate forecasting. Financial language to be able to effectively communicate with the Finance Director. The connection between understanding the Spa business and leading effective teams. Each Participant would be capable of managing the spa division with full confidence. Hundreds of tools to improve the on going projects in quality and profitability standards.
Sports Massage is the most demanded massage style all over the world. Studies reveals almost 60% of all massages sold in the wellness field comes under this category. It’s more of a Therapeutic Massage than a relaxation massage. In modern world people usually stressed and live with it. A stress is a condition in which the brain is looking for a solution for some thing that should deal with it. The searching process of the brain in the long memory line would take long, when the person deals with a new problem it does not have ready solution in the long memory. In fact this process we sense as stress, tension or physiological reaction is restlessness. When the stress remains long time, the heat produced in the brain also would be high. The extra temperature generated may disturb or damage the normal proses of the brain that is the thought process. In order to stop that situation, body will start distributing this heat among the other organs of body and mainly muscles. An increased body temperature leads to water retention and that makes stiffness or tension on that muscles. This tension also would affect the normal functions of the muscles in supporting the bones and joints in it’s movements. In long run it may cause the joint problems as well. This is one way of developing muscle stiffness. The second reason for muscle stiffness is physiological reasons, that relates to movements and energy production. When we work more using a particular part of the body after a long gap or not familiar with the similar jobs, the energy production on that particular muscle group that support the body part would be high. The stored energy in the body will resynthesize as energy with the help of oxygen, there must be waste products that is lactic acid and this lactic acid accumulation will stay in the muscle tissues for some time as the lymphatic system need time to respond and build up the drainage facility more active. That is why we experience muscle fatigue when we start with a new work out using a muscle group more after long time. Sports Massage Deals with the above conditions and this course mainly useful for sports people, Fitness Trainers, Physiotherapists etc.